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Single Wafer Cleaner (Spin Cleaner/Scrubber)
- 8-12 Inch single wafer dry-in/dry-out clean platform for particle/(in)organic/flux cleaning in advance package process;
- Optional for atomizing /magasonic/RCA/high pressure/steam cleaning function, good cleaning performance, wide process window, small footprint and good ROI.
- Process uniformity is available to adjust with recipe;
- Better yield than wet bench type.
- Single wafer conditions can be controllable and traceability;
- Process parameter is easy to adjust.
- Control the chemical usage and ensure each chips have same process conditions
- cleanliness control better than batch method;
- Small footprint
- Suitable for wafer dry in/ dry out process
- Better safety than bench type.
Advance package cleaning process for bumping: before film coating/PR coating; after
Etching, ion implanting, CMP, deflux.
Etching, ion implanting, CMP, deflux.